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Looking to Organize Your Workplace? 

First off, let us just say congratulations on taking the first step toward improving your workplace for yourself and your fellow coworkers!  We, your fellow 406 workers, have been through the rigors of organizing, and we know how hard and intimidating asking for a better life can be.  From a young age, we all were taught to follow along and not make a fuss.  But we are at a time where Montana wages have fallen at historical lows behind the cost of living.  Meanwhile, those running the show are making record profits.  Your bosses are counting on you and your fellow coworkers to remain afraid, timid, and complacent.  However, the money is on the table and it's there for you and your coworkers to get your fair share. 



Despite Googling numerous sites and watching Youtube videos, we had a difficult time knowing where to start, and that's why we made this site! The following links are a great place to start to get information on what your rights are regarding collective bargaining.  Whatever you do, DO NOT GO TO MANAGEMENT seeking an improvement.  Even if the improvements come, they are likely to be temporary and subject to labor market fluctuations. 



Whether it is an increase in pay, more time off, health care, 401K contributions, or a combination of all of the above, knowing what you want personally and writing it down will give you the clarity and motivation to see the process through.  In that plan, start looking for folks that are likely to join you.



Take our word for it -- this is the step that we wish we would have done before starting the process.  You may not know it, but there are absolutely wonderful humans humbly living a good life all over Montana -- and they are rooting for you to join them in living a better life!  Contact us or the Montana AFL CIO to make a game plan for success, and get inspired to fight for a better life!

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